Slide Movie
Gebhard Sengmüller
Black cube installation, 24 slide projectors, 35mm film, screen
Austria 2006
Slide Movie turns a slide projector into an inefficient movie projector by cutting up a 35mm filmstrip into its single frames and fixing them as slide frames, resulting in a kind of (s)low-tech film projection. “[…] a film sequence (35mm motion picture, 24 frames/sec.) is cut up and the individual frames are mounted as slides. They are then distributed among 24 slide projectors that are all focused on the same screen (the exact same point). Via electronic control of the projectors, these individual images are then reassembled-in an extremely cumbersome way-into a chronological sequence. The formula ‘one projector per frame’ thus gives rise to something that at least rudimentarily (and inevitably very inaccurately, due to the lack of precision of the mechanical devices) suggests a motion picture. The film soundtrack emerges as a byproduct – the mechanical clattering of the projectors changing slides.” (Sengmüller 2008: 280)
Gebhard Sengmüller, born 1967, lives and works in Vienna, Austria.
Gebhard Sengmüller, “Four Media Archaeological Artworks,” in Interface Cultures. Artistic Aspects of Interaction, eds. Christa Sommerer, Laurent Mignonneau, and Dorothée King (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2008), pp. 273–282.