02/18 // Edgar Lissel // Exhibition // Fifty Years of Collecting Photographs: The Extended Moment

Group exhibition
The National Gallery of Canada
Fifty Years of Collecting Photographs: The Extended Moment
May 4 to September 16, 2018
When the National Gallery of Canada began collecting photography in 1967, few museums viewed the medium as fine art. Thanks to the passion and dedication of early supporters, a comprehensive collection has taken shape over the past fifty years. This exhibition celebrates the collection’s diversity, juxtaposing works made more than a century apart and creating new synergies, while also reflecting upon the human impulse to capture the seen and unseen worlds. The catalogue is entitled Fifty Years of Collecting Photographs: The Extended Moment / Cinquante ans de collectionnement de photographies. L’espace d’un instant, by Ann Thomas, with an essay by John McElhone. It will be published in a print run of 3000 English copies and 2000 French copies for distribution worldwide in Spring 2018.